Jon Rumsey

An online markdown blog and knowledge repository.

Project maintained by nojronatron Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Web Accessibility, Access, Design, and Test


Mo Hieronimous-Dimercurio

Graphic Design and web designer.

In Tech since 1998.

Currently focused on user-centric design, user research, and accessibility.

Overview Notes

Accessibility is a very deep topic, this will be an overview.

Why does it matter?

Where does it fit in?

Inclusive design.

Principles of accessibility.

Compliance is not the same as Accessibility.

Why It Matters

WebApps and Web Sites, documents, multimedia, event support, etc.

Digital Content and accessibility are closely tied.

Accessibility must be considered in each phase of the software development lifecycle.

Buy-in by product owner is important to making software accessibility.

Libraries will help implement accessibility into the project. Systems and patterns will help too.

In best-case scenario, an Accessibility Specialist will be available on a team and will be engaged in all phases of software development.


"Create digital content that anyone can use." [Mo H-D, presenter]

Testing is used to determine compliance:

Certification of Accessibility are available through IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) - WAS (Web Accessibility Specialist) Certification

What Is Accessibility?

Provides the ability for everyone to access products and services.

Inclusive Design

Accessible to, usable by, as many users as possible.

Include groups that are often or traditionally excluded.

Recall: There are permanent and non-permanent situations that can impact their abilities to interact with a product or service.

Four Principles of Accessibility





Key Takeaways

Note: 100% Accessibility is not necessarily attainable:



Deque University (Dequeue Systems Inc)

Gartner Reports provides information on Accessible-compliant or capable Services.

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