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PPH Docker and Digital Ocean
Build tools and hosting, and how they work.
Robert Shepley, Code Fellows Alum
Good to put tools into your toolbelt!
What is it?
- Package and run an app in a specialized environment.
- Isolated environments that can communicate with other environments and systems.
Why Docker?
- Package code and dependencies.
- Allows running anywhere without setup/installation steps.
- Isolate software from its environment.
- Lives on top of an operating system.
- Applications run on top of the Container Engine.
Makes Dev Efficient and Predictable (from Docker website):
- Find a Docker Image, run the image (or use Docker Componse) and the application is completed.
- Swap-in a different database server into your environment.
- Which version of Node is on the platform (laptop, desktop, server) etc? Docker specifies the dependencies out of the gate.
- Node on your workstation doesn't have to be same as Node on your Docker Image.
- Containers allow multiple versions of anything to run on the same hosting platform.
Using Docker
There are many ways to setup and use Docker, so use the documentation.
Docker Command: Create and deploy a container in a CLI.
YML: Execute a YML file to define a Docker instance via DockerCompose.
DockerFile: Similar to YAML setup.
Image: Definition for a Container.
Container: A running instance of a Docker Image.
Example: Dockerize an Expressjs server with a DB backend and run using DockerComponse.
DevContainers: VSCode-integration with Docker to deploy entire environments on local or in the cloud.
Can be used in productions as well as dev and test.
Learning Docker
Have a goal in mind when learning Docker e.g.: Build a solution you want to build. This helps you avoid the complexity of Docker overall to focus on the parts of Docker necessary to get the target system/service built and deployed.
Digital Ocean
Simpliar to AWS or Heroku: Can upload code and execute it on the platform.
Droplets: Server instances.
- Some droplets are one-click-apps!
- Less than 1 minute to setup, just a few minutes to ready!
- Lower cost than AWS.
- Great for simple, small applications and servers.
- (It sounds like) Pushing code to DigitalOcean requires deploying a Droplet, and then uploading the code to the Container instance.
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