Jon Rumsey

An online markdown blog and knowledge repository.

Project maintained by nojronatron Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Accessibility Fundamentals


Stephanie Hill

Code Fellows Grad

Importance of Web Accessibility

Solutions are designed and developed for use by people with disabilities.

Providing equal access and opportunity to a diverse range of people.

The U.N. defines accessibility as a basic human right.

Technologies and Innovation

Typewriters were standardized for support use by the blind and sight impared.

Smart-speakers and assistive technologies.

Texting 911.

Closed captions.

Think of accessibility technolgies as an 'electronic curb-cut'.

Common Tools

Software Helper Tools:

Structural Fundamentals

Semantic HTML:

Text Alternatives:

ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications

Keyboard Accessibility:

Skip Link: Useful to help user jump over very long lists of links and information to get to where they might want to go.

  <a href="#main" class="skip">Skip to...</a>
  <!-- content -->
<main id="main">
  <!-- content -->

There was also an example CSS class definition that supported hidden SkipLink.

Tools for Testing Accessibility

Try testing functionality via your keyboard:

Wave Evaluation Tool:

Additional Resources

WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

MDN Accessibility Docs.

A11ycasts with Rob Dodson (YouTube).

EdX W3Cx WAIO.1x Introduction to Web Accessibility (Free course on EdX).

Other Notes

The "Accessibility Tree": Relates to accessibility and the structure of your site/user interface.

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