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Generics are used in Java, C#, and other strongly typed programming languages. Following are some notes and lessons learned about them.
Baeldung states that Generics were added to Java in JDK 5.0. This explains why I wasn't already aware of them from college where I was introduced to Java at v.1.5, but the curriculum wasn't updated yet.
'Generics add stability to your code by making more of your bugs detectable at compile time.' [The Java Tutorials]
Generics enable Types to be Parameters.
Apply Generics to Classes, Interfaces, and Methods.
Formal Parameters: Strongly-typed parameter that is a value i.e. Integer weight
Type Parameters: Generic parameters are parameters that are types i.e. T object
Keyword 'T': Used as a placeholder for the Type that will be used in the Generic Class, Interface, or Function.
Raw Types: No type arguments are included with the instantiation of the Generic Type.
The catch is Un/Boxing penalties apply, and unsafe code can execute at run time. Code is unsafe because Type Safety cannot be validated. Older APIs (Java 7 and earlier) will require use of Raw Types for backward compatibility reasons. Use
syntax for ignore Raw Types warning messages.
Methods use Type Inference to process generic parameters.
Non-generic Classes support generic Methods.
Due to Type Erasure, generics incur no runtime overhead, ensure type safety, and ensure only ordinary classes, interfaces, and methods will be produced in bytecode.
Primitives allocate less memory than Types.
Primitives cannot be used as a Type Parameter in the generic declaration at this time.
Primitives can utilize comparison operators like <
List of Java SE 8 Primitives:
Types can compare for value or equality by:
method of Comparable<T>
method with a custom implementation.Replace 'T' with a concrete non-Primitive or Reference Type Class.
public class DSNode<T> {
private T data;
public DSNode(T payload) { = payload;
Note: Primitives can then be used as the Type within the Generic Class, Interface, or Method.
int myValue = 11;
DSNode<Integer> myNode = new DSNode<>(myValue); // <-- DSNode will store an Integer, and a primitive int value is added
Create multiple versions of DSNode with different values:
string myData = "This is a message.";
DSNode<String> messageNode = new DSNode<>(myData);
MyCustomType payload = new MyCustomType();
DSNode<MyCustomType> anotherMessageNode = new DSNode<>(payload);
Define static and non-static method's generic parameters using similar syntax:
public class DSNode<T> {
private T data;
public DSNode(T payload) { = payload;
public void setData(T newData) { = newData; // <--
A method signature of a Generic Method must include a generic type <T>
public class Processor {
// static method is prefixed with a generic template <T>
public static <T> void exchangeElements(T[] list, int left, int right) {
T firstItem = list[left];
list[left] = list[right];
list[right] = firstItem;
When a generic method will use multiple types, they can be listed in the method signature []:
public static <T, G> List<G> fromArrayToList(T[] arr, Function<T, G> mapperFunc) {
Allows restricting types that can be used in a parameterized type.
Sending a parameterized type of String when only a Number-type is expected will no longer work.
Example of a Bounded-type Parameter usage in a method:
public <U extends Number> void process(U u) {
This enables compile-time warnings and errors when types are passed-in to the method that don't meet the bounded type declaration in the parameters list.
Multiple Bounded Types can be included in the same parameter:
public <U extends Number & X1 & X2> void process(U u) {
Multiple Bounded Types in the Type Parameter list are sensitive to the inheritance chain. A Bounded Type following an Ampersand must be more-specific than the one preceeding it.
Use the OOP rule 'IS A' to determine if a primitive or Type will be allowed in a Bounded Types listing, and what order it should be within the Bounded TYpes listing.
Note: Integer and Double are subtypes of Number, but when used with Generics, the generic class T, whether Integer or Double, are not. Think of it this way: What is the common parent of the Genericized Type? If there is no common parent, than the Types will not be compatible with the Bounded Types list. Oracle Docs say to look at 'Wildcards and Subtyping' for details about this behavior and how to work with it.
Certain Operators only work on primitive types and therefore cannot be used to compare custom Types or Generic arguments that don't have their own Operator definitions or overrides.
Implement an interface i.e. Comparable<T>
so e.compareTo(elem) > 0
can be utilized.
Extend or implement a generic class or interface to subtype it.
Determination of a subtype are made within 'extends' and 'implements' clauses.
Extending a class to make it a 'subclass':
public class Juice extends Liquid {
public class Juice implements Pourable {
// extend Interface Pourable here
Leveraging abstract classes and methods allows definition of Bounded Wildcards in generics. Reminder of Inheritance:
abstract class Animal {
abstract void talk();
class Dog extends Animal {
void talk() {
class Cat extends Animal {
void talk() {
Here, Dog IS-A Animal, and Cat IS-A Animal too, so filtering a type by tye super class Animal, allows including Dog and Cat types.
Using Interfaces, a Type can be made to fit requirement by implementing expected members.
interface Language {
void speak();
class Terrier extends Animal implements Language {
// dogs bark
public talk() {
// breeds bark in a dialect
public speak() {
class GermanShepherdDog extends Animal implements Language {
void talk() {
// GSDs have a deeper dialect
public speak() {
More about this later.
The Java Compiler uses a Type Inference Algorithm that:
Use the diamond <>
symbol when instantiating a new generic class to avoid incidentally referencing the Raw Type.
Constructors can use Generics as well, and Type Inference can figure out the Type the same as described above.
During compilation the 'T' is replaced with 'Object' during Type Erasure (below).
When declaring a new Generic instance, the common syntax is:
// taken directly from Oracle's Java docs on generic type inference
static <T> List<T> emptyList();
List<String> myList = Collections.emptyList();
Type Witnesses are placed in front of the instance declaration for readability:
static <T> List<T> emptyList();
List<String> myList = Collections.<String>emptyList(); // <--
When Type Witnesses are not used, the compiler relies on Type Inference algorithm to figure it out.
Another example where Type Inference will chose 'Object' incorrectly unless a Type Witness is included:
// starter method code
static <T> List<T> emptyList();
// will not compile in JSE 8 and earlier because the Type cannot be inferred in the invocation or return
// will compile because the Witness Notation was included
Wildcard Syntax: ?
Wildcard is a placeholder for an 'unknown type'.
Can be used as a Type in a parameter, field, or local variable.
Avoid using wildcards:
Bounded Wildcards are compiled-down to the bounded Type Parameter during Type Erasure (below).
List<? extends String>
// bounded to List<String>
public static void process(List<Number> list) {
// less restrictive, allowing subtypes including Integer
public static void process(List<? extends Number> list) {
// this can accept a list of any sub-class of Number
public static void addToFamily(T<? extends Animal> pet) {
// accepts dogs or cats based on abstract class defined earlier
Using an unbounded wildcard for an input limits members to that of the base class Object:
public static void printList(List<?> list) {
// list.size() interrogates a List property size (length)
// Types stored within the Collection are ignored
System.out.println("list size is %s%n", list.size());
// also note that any Type that has a toString method can be accessed
for (Object item: list) {
System.out.println("%s ", item);
If Object
were used instead of ?
the iterator would provide Object instances represented as a String, instead of returing the String representation of the Type actually stored at each element.
There are Guidelines and if/when Wildcard should be used.
Avoid using a wildcard on a method output as it will make the return type unknown and difficult to debug and work with.
List<? super String>
public void printList(List<Integer> items) {
// limited to an Integer Type
public void printList(List<? super Integer>) {
// supports Integer, Number, and Object,
// anything that holds Integer values
Applying a lower-bounded wildcard to Animal public void show(T<? super Animal>){...}
would result in only Animal and base class Object as acceptable types. Meaning neither Car nor Dog would be accepted as a wildcard matched type.
When one Class A 'IS A' Class B (such as through the 'extends' keyword), the extended Class is the super, and the extending Class is the inheritor.
The documentation example states:
class A {}
class B extends A {}
B b = new B();
A a = b; // possible because B extends A
BUT when used as a Type Parameter:
List<B> lb = new ArrayList<>();
List<A> la = lb; // compile-time error
The problem is List<?>
is the common parent, not A
Therefore, use an upper-bounded wildcard:
List<? extends Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();
List<? extends Number> numList = intList(); // OK
This is because List<? extends Integer>
is a subtype of List<? extends Number>
The compiler infers a particular type from the code when using Wildcards.
It is probably a good idea to assume the Compiler will guess the type is 'Object' if it isn't made apparent.
A private helper method should be implemented so Type inferrence will work properly (from the Oracle Docs):
public class WildcardFixed {
void foo(List<?> i) {
// by convention name Helper Methods after the member they are for
private <T> void wildcardFixedHelper(List<T> list) {
list.set(0, list.get(0));
Variables provide one of 2 functions:
: Serves data to the code. An IN parameter.Out
: Holds data to be used elsewhere. An OUT parameter.The In-or-Out-Principle:
See the docs for details, here are the highlights:
// type parameters are replaced by their bounds
public <T extends Animal> void foo(T animal) {...};
// becomes...
public void foo(Animal animal) {...};
The following are just a few things to watch out for:
Non-reifiable Types example:
public void addList(List<String> list) {...}
public void addList(List<Integer> list) {...}
// JVM cannot tell difference because these are Non-reifiable Types
Avoid using non-reifiable Types:
statements.Heap Pollution:
Possibly good advice: If you find yourself using ___
consider rewriting your code to avoid non-reifiable Types or incorrectly handling casts:
: An annotation asserts the implementation will not improperly handle varargs formal parameter.@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "varargs"})
: Suppresses unchecked and varargs warnings. Not advisable.Things you cannot do with Java Generics:
use Character
, etc.instanceof
with parameter types. Type Erasure makes this impossible execution at runtime.Throwable
Class directly or indirectly.Note: A method can throw a placeholder type e.g. public void parse(File file) throws T {...}
Note: Method overriding must use type parameters that won't cause the methods to have the same signature after Type Erasure.
// before type erasure
public void print(Set<String> set) {...}
public void print(Set<Integer> set) {...}
// after type erasure
public void print(Set set) {...}
public void print(Set set) {...}
Directly from [Oracle JavaSE Tutorial: Java Generics]
Use single, upper-case letters:
Multiple type placeholders? Use 'S', 'U', 'V', ...etc in the template diamond.
Oracle's Java Tutorials
Baeldung: Java Generics
Baeldung: Comparing Objects in Java
West Chester University's Dr. Robert Kline, CS Department (retired) on generics
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