Jon Rumsey

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Publishing DotNET Apps

Various notes regarding application publishing in the .NET Ecosystem.

Table of Contents


This note was started on 16-Jan-2024:

Publish Self Contained

Publish Self-Contained means:


Framework Dependent

The simplest deployment type:

Note: NuGet Package dependencies could still be platform-specific.

# cross-platform and framework-dependent
dotnet publish

# platform-specific and framework-dependent
dotnet publish -r win-x64

# platform-specific and framework-dependent for linux
dotnet publish -r linux-x64

Publish Self Contained Command Line

Use the dotnet publish command with argument --self-contained:

dotnet publish --self-contained

Specify the target:

# Windows 64-bit
dotnet publish -r winx64 --self-contained

# Windows 32-bit
dotnet publish -r win-x86 --self-contained

# Windows arm64
dotnet publish -r win-arm64 --self-contained

RIDs need to be specific:

ReadyToRun Images

These will improve startup time but will produce an even larger installer file, and do not contain the JIT.

dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained -p:PublishReadyToRun=true

Ahead Of Time (AOT)

Just a quick list of notes:

Publish apps using Native AOT via the command line.

There are AOT-Compatibility Analyzers that can indicate whether a library is Native AOT ready.

Building Visual Studio Extensions

VS Code has a special tool called VSCE for Packaging Pre-Release and Release packages in the VSIX format for use in the Visual Studio Marketplace.

It is important to note that is used as the Details page view within the Extensions view in VS Code. Excluding files using .vscodeignore does not remove the files from the appearance in the Marketplace or Extensions viewer.

Publishing With VSCE

In order to push a Package to the VS Marketplace, the following must be true:

Note that VSCE has some interesting default behavior:

Publishing To Visual Studio Marketplace

Automatic publication of Release or Pre-Release versions is possible using VSCE.

It is also possible to manually package the Extension with VSCE, login to the VS Marketplace mangaement portal, and then upload the VSIX file in just a few clicks.

Either way, VS Marketplace will take a few minutes to process the file.

The next time a user opens VSCode, they will see a notification for each new Release (and might see notifications for Pre-Releases, if they've opted in).

VSCode Ignore Suggestion


Build Test Publish Workflow for Create TOC

While building the Create Table of Contents VS Code Extension, a workflow developed based on:




  1. Develop new features, updates, or bug-fixes to a custom branch.
  2. Update unittests to cover module functionality and regressions.
  3. If a Module has multiple interrelated functions, ensure an integration test is developed to verify expected behavior.
  4. Create a PR to merge with Staging branch.
  5. Once the feature (milestone, bug fix, etc) are well tested the PR can be merged-in to Staging. Workflows run unittests and pass/fail PR approval.
  6. Documentation and versions are updated in Staging branch and a new PR is created to merge with pub-pre-release branch.
  7. A workflow runs that executes unittests and pushes a Pre-release version to the VS Extension Marketplace Publisher's portal.
  8. Once the Pre-release version has been tested in the field, update the version info to a private branch (for now) that has the latest pub-pre-release branch commits, and manually execute VSCE to produce a Release Publish package that can be manually uploaded to the VS Extension Marketplace Publisher Portal.
  9. The private (for now) publish branch gets merged-in to main.
  10. Optional: The GitHub Releases page could be updated to allow downloading the latest Release VSIX file for manual importation and use.

Note: Step 8 should eventually get updated to a proper branch workflow with an automated Release operation.

Note2: Step 10 could be automated to push the VSIX artifact to the GitHub Releases page.

Package and Publish VSIX by Hand

  1. Ensure the following are up to date: package.json,, .gitignore, .vscodeignore, and
  2. In the Terminal, execute npm i. All installations should complete with out Security Issues or other errors.
  3. In the Terminal execute npm test. All Linting and Tests should pass before continuing.
  4. In the Terminal execute vsce package --no-update-package-json {major.minor.patch} and the output file will be named {package_json_name}-{major.minor.patch}.vsix.

Note: To auto-increment the version number, just run vsce package and package.json will get updated with an incremented version property.

Note2: VSCE includes options login <publisher> and publish [options] [version] to allow publishing directly to the VS Extension Marketplace.

Note3: publish and package commands are very similar so it is possible to publish a version without adding a version control change.


DevOps, Testing, and deployment documentation on MSLearn: Publish Self-Contained.

Runtime Identifiers in the MS Learn .NET RID Catalog.

Overview of .NET Native AOT.

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