Jon Rumsey
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Deploy React Site To Azure Web App
Azure Web Services includes support for 'static' HTML + CSS sites.
This appears to support JS, so I will assume that React.js is also supported - if not then I'll use a Node.js checklist instead.
- Clone the target repository to local.
- Execute 'npm install' to ensure it is up-to-date. Fix any errors.
- Open in VSCode.
- Open Azure Extension.
- Expand your Subscription.
- Create a new Resource Group w/ name and Geo Location (for example: US West 3).
- RClick App Services and select New Web App.
- Give is a globally unique name; Node.js version (16); Pricing Tier.
- Do not deploy it yet.
- RClick the new App Service (WebApp) created above.
- Select Deployment Source and then select LocalGit (this could be RemoteGit in future).
- Open Application Settings and select 'SCM_DO_BUILD_DURING_DEPLOYMENT' and set to 'true'.
- Update 'WEBSITE_HTTPLOGGING_RETENTION_DAYS' to whatver makes sense (7 days is default).
- RClick the new App Service (WebApp) and click 'Deploy to WebApp' and select the correct local folder.
Note: If prompted to 'always deploy to this App Service' response Yes for simplicity.
Test Deployment
Once deployement succeeds:
- Stream Logs => Displays running log to local 'Output' view, directly from connected to webapp container.
- Browse Website => Opens deployed webapp in your default browser.
Next Steps
- Deploy an API Server.
- Deploy a Database or use MongoDB Atlas.
- Integrate Authentication and Authorization.
Take a peek at:
ms-identity-javascript-react-tutorial repository
For the Azure Storage, Cosmos DB portions (maybe AzAD depending on OAuth etc)msdocs-javascript-nodejs-server
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