Jon Rumsey

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Coding with P5

Table of Contents

VSCode Interviews Dan Shiffman

Host: Olivia Guzzardo @OliviaGuzzardo

Presenter/Guest: Daniel Shiffman @shiffman

"Express yourself through code"

How To Use P5 With VSCode

Within index.html:

  1. Reference the P5js CDN within a script tag.
  2. Also reference a local js file (e.g. scetch.js) in a separate script tag.

Using Libraries:

  1. Install P5.vscode Extension by Sam Lavigne.
  2. Open Command Palette and type ''.
  3. Point to an existing directory (or create a new one) where the project should be initialized.
  4. A new VSCode instance opens.
  5. Verify file system layout as follows (see example below).
  6. Open sketch.js to start coding!
| Libraries
| \p5.min.js
| \p5.sound.min.js
| \index.html
| \jsconfig.json
| \sketch.js
| \style.css

About P5

Notes On 2D Primitives

A fairly light-weight brain-dump and "whoops I'm gonna want to remember that" items.

Notes on Rendering

A light-weight section of notes I felt were important to write-out while learning P5.

Making Things Move

Essential Concepts:

Note: Use createVector() to generate a new instance of the Vector Class.

To make things 'move' on screen:

Other Reminders

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