Jon Rumsey

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About Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool for gathering information on what page(s) of a site are visited and how often, where web visitors traverse fromt-and-to within a web site, and whether visitors ultimately become "customers".

The following is a collection of notes about Google Analytics, and more generally web analytics. The purpose is to reinforce key concepts for learning the topic, and implementing analytics in future web sites.

Table of Contents


Values of Analytics:

More Insights:

Other Data Acquisition Sources:


Google Analytics 4

Aka GA4. Deprecates Universal Analytics (since July 2023). Is an application property that enables:

GA4 can be implemented in the following scenarios:

Note: Firebase applications are supported in GA4.

How GA4 Works

  1. Data is collected from within the application or web site using JS code.
  2. A database stores the data.
  3. GA4 reporting site displays results of GA4 data collected by the scripts.

What is collected?

Collecting and Reporting

Differences Between GA4 and Universal Analytics

Some GA4 Features And Reports Overview

Think of a GA4 Account as a folder that hold the statistical data that is collected.

GA4 Types of Reports

Available from the Google Marketing Platform site.

Google Marketing Platform Account

GA4 Properties

When creating a Property, it is good to stick with a 1:1 relationship with a single web site, or "business" such as a collection of sites and apps.

GA4 Data Streams

Types: Web, Android, or iOS.

GA4 Google Tags



Configure a Tag:

  1. New Tag.
  2. Name according to the type of report data you want to capture.
  3. Select a Tag Configuration, such as "Google Tag". These might require a "Measurement ID".
  4. Configure a Variable so that the Measurement ID can be used in multiple Tag configurations.
  5. Save the Tag.
  6. Publish the changes.
  7. Wait 24hrs to see data in reports.

Note: There are several variable 'types', and an appropriate one should be selected.

Also Note: If your site has multiple Tags, there might be additional configuration necessary before publishing a newly created Tag.

Setting up GA4

Since UA stopped collecting data in July 2023, GA4 is the currently supported (and active) analytics model service.

Overview of steps:

  1. Setup a Google Analytics and Tag Manager accounts.
  2. Create a Property in the account and copy the Measurement ID.
  3. Login to Tag Manager and create a new Configuration.
  4. Select GA4 Configuration and enture the Measurement ID acquired previously.
  5. Select 'Send a Page View Event' option.
  6. Click 'Triggering' and select 'All Pages'.
  7. Submit and Publish.

Detailed Set up analytics for a website and/or app instructions.



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