Jon Rumsey

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Read Class 01

Reference Sources

Programiz tutorial on Java Packages
Baeldung guide to Java Loops

About Java Packages

Java Packages are containers with types (classes and interfaces and so-on) that are easily maintainable and can be utilized by other code.
Java Projects allow only one Class Name type per project.
Packages are named using qualified naming schemes to help separate similarly (or same) named classes, for example:

import java.util.Date;
import java.sql.Date;

The above are 2 different classes.

Two Categories of Packages

Built-in: Packaged with a JDK.
User-defined: Packages users create following a set of rules and principals.

User Defined Packages

Keyword: Package. Follows strongly-named scheme: com.test
Directory structure follows strongly-named scheme: ./com/test/
Create the Class within the package: class test { public static ... }
The package hierarchy is of unlimited size.
IntelliJ IDEA can create packages (rClick source folder, select New => Package, enter package name). File system is created automagically.

Import Statement

Use the import statement to "bring in" code from Java Packages.
Packages can import other packages.
To import package(s) from a user-defined package:

import package.ClassName;
class MyClass {...}

Loops in Java

Use loops to repeatedly run code statements repeatedly.
Control structures that use a boolean test to determine when to stop executing the following code block.

Types of Loops

For: Repeat operations through inc/decrementing a counter.
For-Each: Selects each item in an iterable, one at a time, until all iterable items have been selected once.
While: Depends explicitly on a boolean test as the exit criterial.
Do-While: Same as 'while' but one iteration of execution occurs prior to the boolean test is evaluated.

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