Jon Rumsey

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Read Class 43 OSS Contributing


First Timers Only

GitHub open-source repo

Clearcode on what motivates a developer to contribute to OSS?

GitHub Search for "a good first issue" Help Solve the World's Greatest Challenges

First Timers Only

Scott Hanselman and Kent Dodds put together this website (and efforts behind promoting the OSS community). Links to resources for how to get starting contributing to OSS projects, as well as tips for OSS project owners to make their projects easier to find and work with especially for new contributors.

There are multiple links to OSS contributing resources and tips, as well as a link to a GitHub APP that will make "good first issue" markers easier to apply.

Motivations To Contribute to OSS

A great way to practice coding, everyday!

Learn by working on a live codebase.

Gain valuable feedback on your code and development processes.

More experienced developers can concentrate on more difficult or complex issues, leaving simpler issues for less experienced devs.

Some companies require OSS participation as a gating factor to employment.

Gain experience reading and writing code, and finding bugs.

Peer recognition: Builds professional network and provides a means for others to see and understand a developer's skill level and passion for software development.

Prospective employers can easily skim OSS code in public repositories and gain insight into a candidate's activities, interests, and capabilities -- their potential value-add.

Even non-code oriented contributions are encouraged with OSS. For example: Feature suggestions, finding bugs, and updating or improving documentation.

Call For Code has partnered with IBM and many other tech companies to promote developing solutions for the greater good.

Global projects that promote and enable diversity, equality, and inclusion are highlighted.

CallForCode provides assistance to contributors, and there are also pay-out awards for completing projects within the scope of their call to actioni initiatives.

Interesting Contrib Opportunities

A reference to a bootstrap variant the above project uses reactstrap

Create React App Getting Started Doc

IVG Sequence Tube Map

This project is a React App that uses Yarn (instead of NPM), react-strap, CSS, and some other styling frameworks to produce an appealing UI where scientific gene-folding data can be uploaded to the site and a "tube map" will be rendered on-screen.

There is an open Issue marked as a Good First Issue that mentions an unexpected layout problem with some of the Form Inputs:

After a little research I found some areas that need some exploration to determine root cause:

Root Cause Analysis

  1. Why are the input boxes (drop-down/select and text inputs) stacked on top of each other vertically instead of side-by-side as one of the codebase owners expected.
  2. Why have the Input elements in HeaderForm Component rendered within a Container structure (i.e. a Grid) that includes Rows and Cols that have built-in and custom CSS applied?
  3. Why are some components that are rendered within the HeaderForm Component using different frameworks for styling?
  4. Why aren't there constraints to the width of the input elements, such as tighter column spacing, or direct CSS application impacting their size?
  5. Why isn't there a specification document for the layout of this "main page" of the Application?

Some interesting discoveries through investigation:

ACP PR Solution 17-July-22

The Header information was overflowing the container in main view. There are several awkward rendering issues, none of them severe, but the main one was a massive overflow.

It was not entirely clear whether the repo owner wanted the form fields to be horizontally (in-line) or not, and attempting to make them that was had some complexities in the way the CSS is utilized, and also how the form fields operate as there are a bunch of dependencies. For example, selecting a different data source actually changes which fields are displayed, and each one has a slightly different implementation when it comes to layout and design.

The team working on this project utilized multiple CSS/SCSS UI design packages and there are implications to using those that made reorganizting the form fields very difficult. I was able to get the form fields to shrink-down to within the general overall page-width without otherwise impacting the look-and-feel.

I'n not convinced that changing the layout of the form fields to in-line will be easy to do, but I might take another stab at it when I get some more React and Bootstrap experience under my belt.

General Hierarchy

The React App Components in this project are arranged (best I could tell) as follows:

SVG Tubemap React Component Hierarchy (reverse-engineered)

SVG Tubemap React Site Rendering (assembled from React Components)

Build And Test

They recomment compiling VG in order to import sample (and actual) data for dev and test.

Since I am focusing on a UI design issue, I won't worry about VG right now.

  1. Fork the repo.
  2. Clone to local.
  3. CD into project
  4. 'yarn install'
  5. 'yarn build'
  6. 'yarn serve'

Dev and Test Cycles

  1. For most changes, it is necessary to re-run 'yarn build'.
  2. In order to render the website on your local browser, you will need to run 'yarn serve'.
  3. Open your browser to localhost:3000 and the main page should render.

Note: Review the project README for additional tips of dev and test deployments on local.

Note: If you haven't built since the last change, your changes might not take effect!

OSS Contribution Accepted

The PR containing my contributed fix was merged and closed in September 2023! :tada:

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