Jon Rumsey

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Kinder Gentler Philosophy of Success

Notes taken while watching TedGlobal 2009 video of Alain de Botton's dicussion

Career Crises

Divergence of Hope vs Reality.
Difficult to work with the high level of anxiety in our careers today.
How can we feel calm through all of the pressures and anxiety of our jobs today?


Not just a UK phenomenon, it is global.
Job snobbery is too common, based around the answer to the question "what is your title?".
Positioning of others within social hierarchy based on monikers aka titles and around material goods.


Linked to the spirit of equality.
Think about school reunions and how these early-life relationships are often established in a younger mind and now fast-forwarded to a different, adult you, but the snobbery may remain based on those historic impressions and memories.


Failure is much more crushing when certain people's success implies the success of others means certain failure of most others.
People own their success and their failures, however confidence can turn those failures into suicide and bad behaviors.
Randomness of life in general is not taken into consideration in a meritocracy.

Consider These Things

St. August said "It is a sin to judge any man by his post".
It should not be the "business card" by which people should be judged in today's world.
You cannot be successful at everything - therefore there must be an acceptance that in some areas, you are a loser.

Why focus on the losing part then?

Focus on our own ideas of success.
Own your own successess, and make sure those ideas of success are our own.
Leave room for randomness in evaluations of success.

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