Jon Rumsey

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Read About Implementing Graphs


Code Fellows Curriculum: Graphs


Graphs ar non-linear data structures.

Consider them a collection of vertices (nodes).

Nodes are connected by line segments (Edges).

A Neighbor is a directly adjacent Node to another Node, connected by an edge.

A Degree is the count of edges connected to that Node.

Vertices (Nodes) are often labelled with single-character letters like 'a', 'b', and so on.

Edges are indicated using a bracketed enclosure with pairs of Nodes e.g. { (a,c), (b,c), (b,f), (c,e)...} etc.

Directed and Undirected

Undirected: A graph where each edge is bi-directional.

When drawn, there ar eno arrows between Nodes, meaning no specific path must be followed to reach any other Node along any Edge.

Directed: Every edge is directed, meaning arrow of direction are indicated.

AKA Digraph.

Each Node is directed at another Node, like a reference to 'Next Node'.

Complete, Connected, and Disconnected

Complete: All Nodes are onnected to all other Nodes once.

Connected: All Nodes have at least one edge. A 'Tree' is a form of Connected Graph.

Disconnected: Some Nodes may not have edges. Stand-alone Nodes could be described as Disconnected Graphs or 'Islands'.

Acyclic and Cyclic Graphs



Graph Representation

Depictions of graphs are usually done through Adjacenty Matrix, or Adjacency List.

Adjacency Matrix:

Sparse and Dense Graphs

Sparse: Few connections within the Graph.

Dense: Many connections within the Graph.

Adjacency List

The most common way to represent graphs.

A collection of linked lists or arrays of lists.

Easy to view if one vertices connects to another.

Where there is no connection between vertices, they are not listed.

Items of Note:

Weighted Graphs

Numbers mark each of its edges: Weights.

Set elements in the 2D array to represent actual weight between 2 paths.

No connection? Weight = 0 (or infinity).

A weighted matrix can be represented in a L x W Graph Representation, or an Adjacency List (Array with buckets).

In an Adjacency List, the Weighted Matrix Nodes and Values are stored in the vertices e.g. d => a,0 => b,5 => c,6


Breadth First

Start at a specific Vertex/Node, specifying it when calling the Breadth First function.

Graphs can have cycles, but otherwise look and act a lot like Trees.

Add a tracking mechanism to the code (e.g. a Queue or Stack?) to avoid revisiting already-visited Nodes.

Algorithm Pseudocode:

Enqueue the root node.
Iterate while the Queue is not empty.
Dequeue the 1st Node.
Add unvisited child Nodes to the Queue.

More Specific Pseudocode:

ALGORITHM BreadthFirst(vertex)
  DECLARE breadth INSTANTIATE new Queue


  while (breadth is not empty)
    DECLARE front and assign value of breadth.Dequeue

    for each child in front.Children
      if (child not inside visited set)

  return nodes

Notes about Breadth First usage in Graphs:

Depth First

Use a Stack to visit children of a subtree.

Note: Traversing Trees Depth First leverages the Call Stack, here a separate Stack object will be instantiated.


Real World Usages


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