Jon Rumsey

An online markdown blog and knowledge repository.

Project maintained by nojronatron Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Class Notes

Morning Host: Dr. Robin Apparicio
Instructor: Sheyna Watkins


Code Fellows is 9 yrs old
Graduated over 1600 students
Dr.Robin collects fountain pens (15 years)
Instructor Sheyna likes researching ancestry
Find Dr.Robin on Remo 6th floor!
Also available via Slack.
Not too busy for you, it is her job to help students!

Rules and Regs Reminders

Zero tolerance for CoC violations Contact: Be kind, be respectful
Proper attribution is required when cutting/pasting code, work implemented by peers, etc


Be available during core hours
Video on, mic on, clothes on, mute if background noise
Be kind to self and classmates
Collaborate with classmates, participate in lectures Set a schedule and stick with it Respect working hours Take breaks (food, water, 10-min cool-down)
ASK FOR HELP: 15 minute rule
Weekly surveys, be honest - good, bad, and ugly
Use Slack, Remo... connect and network
Communicate life issues, attendance, etc
Participate in Partner Power Hours on fridays, every-other Saturday - use this to network

Emotional Intelligence

Bring your whole self to the process
Be grounded emotionally
Next level: People act on preconceived opinions that are not always based on facts

Bias: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing person or group compared with another usually in a way that is considered to be unfair.
Stereotypes: Come from family, tv, religion, marketing, media/movies/news.

How Do You Mitigate Bias

Avoid snap judgements.
Self-reflect on our own opinions.
We must be vulnerable.
Implicit Bias: Not always conscious of it - the stories we make up of other people despite not knowing who they are.
Conformity/Groupthink: Unfairly favor those that belong to your group. If something isn't working for you, say something.
Confirmation Bias: Favor information that confirms to their own beliefs.
Attribution Bias: Have a different rational for your own behavior vs that of others. Others making errors you yourself made but applying an error to the other person, not yourself.
Micro-aggressions: Passive-agressive responses, usually non-verbal slights, snubs, etc.


Note: We learn as we grow, and growth requires food.


Shayna, ex CodeFellows student and 7yr developer.

Syllabus and Canvas

Module View: Shows planned assignments in class.
Use the ToDo view for "what to work on next", items remove selves after submission.
Sheyna is on Slack so use that for best results.
Lecture: 9am to Noon/12:30ish.
1pm - 2pm: Code Challenges. 2pm forward: Labs, reading assignment, etc.

Readings: Timebox this as much as possible. Write a few notes, submit the assignment, then ask questions in class.
Remo: Sit with others. Those that sit alone tend to not do as well in this class.
Ask for help: More asks for help results in more TA's and helpers!
Windows and React: If pwd results in 'mnt' or 'mount' in the path this could cause problems with React so get this resolved with a TA.
Assignments: Turn-in assignments before deadline, so long as 20% of the work is done. Then, go back and re-work the assignment for up to full points.
Readings: No point docking for late. Will lock at the end of each week.
Code Challenges and Lab Assignments: Due at the end of every day by Midnight. 20% of score is docked if late. (Just like in Code201).

Retros: AKA Learning Journal. Reflect on what is and isn't working for me. Whatever I put into the Lab Assignment submission (comments, question responses) can be copy/pasted into that day's Retro.

Assignments do not have to be perfect in order to turn them in on time.


Prework Discussion

Remember to use 'use strict' to ensure 'this' is properly constrained. This will become important later on in this class.


JS interpreter loads a code page from top-to-bottom twice.
First run through: Only finds declared variables and vanilla JS Function definitions. JS Function expressions are not loaded and therefore cannot be invoked after a variable is declared.
Arrow Functions are not loaded fully either, so if they are invoked prior to read-thru, ES6 interpreters will throw a "ReferenceError: Cannot access 'name' before initialization".

Arrow Functions

Keyword 'return' is implied.
When braces are necessary, so is the 'return' keyword.
Keyword 'this' is dangerous to use.


201 JS Constructor

function Country(name, capital) { = name; = capital;
  this.isAmazing = true;

301 Class Constructor

class CountryClass {
  constructor(name, capital) { = name; = capital;

These examples result in the same thing, except Classes can be extended:

class States extends CountryClass {
  // extend to create a states constructor
  constructor(name, capital, governor) {
    super(name, capital); // these are things it is getting from parent
    this.governor = governor;

Extended functions cannot access be accessed by the parent class.

Code Challenges

Jon TODO: Find where I set this up (probably SPro7) and make sure the tests of work that I have to do 'fail' and start working on it.

For Each

Don't forget to 'use strict';
Create arrays: one with integers, another empty.
Array object has its own forEach method: Array.forEach();
For each has no return value.
Use a callback function to operate on each element, iteratively.

let arr = [2, 5, 7, 8];
let newArr = [];
  (num) => {
    newArr.push(num + 1);

Note: Cannot use '++' within forEach (e.g. Immutable iterator).

Conceptual Talk About React

Used to build UI components.

Sites and Apps aren't static:

Pages are a bit to broad. Better to think about things that make up our pages.
React simplifies displaying the UI.

React is really good at using a simple component, passing it many values, that will be used to construct the UI.

Setup React

NPX: Does the work for us.
React version just incremented.
Node 14 or lower is recommended, though. To up/down grade to Node v.14: NVM use 14 or nvm install 14

  1. Verify node version.
  2. npx create-react-app {name-of-app}
  3. Create a new Repo in GitHub with description and public and do not add readme, gitignore, and license file.
  4. Push an existing repo from the command line (npx initializes the git locally).
  5. npm start runs the code.
  6. Update package.json using 'older versions' from the CF Repo. Run npm install to update React with the package.json changes.

Kabob Case: Hyphenated titles and names.

NPX scaffolds-out lots of files. React must be compiled it doesn't run in the browser out of the box. Ctrl+C will stop the React server.

Deploy Early and Often

This is how we will deploy site while using React.

  1. Use Netlify.
  2. Import project from GitHub.
  3. Click Deploy, wait a while.

Files To Remove

Delete the following files from your project:

App.test reportWebVital.js setupTest.js logo.svg

This will break stuff so cleanup index.js so it no longer references those files.

You can also remove existing App.css content and replace it. Just add import './App.css'; to link-in the CSS.

Migrate from Functional to Class Based React

  1. App.js: Is a functional component so delete everything and rewrite as a Class Component.
  2. Follow the code sample below, these are minimum required code lines:
import React from 'react';
class App extends React.Component {
  // render is required React Component method that returns JSX
  render() {
    return (
      <h1>Stuff</h1>  // as an example
      ) // wrap return statements in parens
      // wrapping multiple lines in a div is an option
      // better to send a fragment e.g. <> and </> "frags"
export default App;

From here, you can start writing usual HTML code within the Frags to build things like cards for a web UI.

Tips and Tactics

When calling a Component in HTML: