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Read02 Assignment - State And Props

Read and take notes from the following resources:
React State vs Props by Web Dev Simplified on YouTube

Additional Resources State And Lifecycle Handling Events Tuturial Into to React
Bootstrap Cheat Sheet
Shuffle for Bootstrap
Host sites and apps on

React Lifecycle Events

Source: Joshua Blankenship on

What Are React Lifecycle Events

When you define components as classes or functions, the methods used are called 'lifecycle events'.
Methods can only be called on components during their 'lifecycle'.

Three Phases of Liceycle

Mounting: Creating a component instance and adding it to the DOM. Various built-in and required methods are executed automatically at this phase (lifecycle events).

Updating: State changes cause re-rendering, aka Updating. Various built-in and required methods are executed at this phase (lifecycle events).

Unmounting: Removing a Component from the DOM. Method 'componentWillUnmount()' is called (the last lifecycle event).


Avoid usint this.setState() in a constructor: It is unnecessary and could produce unexpected side effects. However it can be called within componentDidMount() to force a re-render event.
There are unsafe lifecycle events that should be avoided. Review the article (linked above) for details on these.

Q and A

Based off the diagram, what happens first, the 'render' or the 'componentDidMount' lifecycle event?

render. componentDidMount is called during the last phase, the 'mounting' phanse and 'commit' sub-phase.

What is the very first thing to happen in the lifecycle of React?

constructor is called (in the 'mounting' phase and 'render' sub-phase).

These things happen in this order:

  1. constructor
  2. render
  3. componentDidMount
  4. componentWillUnmount
  5. ReactUpdates

What does componentDidMount do?

It is a place to load network requests or make DOM initialization calls. It is a good place to subscribe to (events?) and make API calls.

Props and State YouTube Video Notes

What types of things can you pass in the props?

Props are a lot like arguments to a function.
Values to initialize a component's state, or data that the component can render.

What is the big difference between props and state?

Props are passed between components, and must be updated OUTSIDE of the component.
State is data within the component, and can be updated WITHIN the component.

When do we re-render our application?

When the component state changes.

What are some examples of things that we could store in state?

Values that change, and the change should be rendered to the UI.
User-updated values, like from a Form, where the UI might need to update based on the state change.

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