Jon Rumsey

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Mongo and Mongoose

Database time!

SQL and noSql

List five differences between SQL and noSql:

  1. SQL: Relational databases; NoSQL: non-relational aka distributed databases.
  2. SQL: Table-based databases; NoSQL: KVP or document databases.
  3. SQL: Predefined schema; NoSQL: Dynamic schema for unstructured.
  4. SQL: Scalable by increasing horsepower/resources; NoSQL: Scalable by adding database instances.
  5. SQL: Uses 'Structured Query Language' aka SQL or T-SQL; NoSql: Uses 'Unstructured Query Language' aka UnQL.

SQL-type DBs

MySql, Oracle, Sqlite, Postgres, MS-SQL.

NoSql-type DBs

MongoDB, BigTable, Redis, RavenDb, Cassandra, Hbase, Neo4j, CouchDB.

SqlNoSql QandA

What kind of data is a good fit for an SQL database?

Structured, relational data.

Give a real world example.

Storing related information for a Real Estate company is a good candidate. People with names live in homes with addresses, and they hire Real Estate Agents to sell their homes, and buyers must get mortgages from Banks - all of these things are related.

What kind of data is a good fit a NoSQL database?

Unstructured, non-relational data.

Give a real world example.

Storing random documents. Cloud storage is similar to NoSql is that it just stores stuff in a flat file system and keys are used to identify the data.

Which type of database is best for hierarchical data storage?

SQL databases.

Which type of database is best for scalability?

The answer to this is dependent on the scenario. In the cloud: Horizonally scalable NoSQL DB instances might be easiest, since an instance could be easily duplicated so many can be spun-up when needed without purchasing (and waiting for) handware.
In the DataCenter: Generally SQL type DBs are a good fit because server- and enterprise-class equipment have the ability to scale-up to very large resource numbers, which can be applied directly to a SQL type database server.

What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Langage.

What is a relational database?

A database that holds data, grouped in tables, and every table has a key, and other table keys can create a reference to another table's column.

What type of structure does a relational database work with?

Tables associated with each other through relational links between columns and/or keys.

What is a ‘schema’?

A definition of data types to be stored and any relational information about the data.

What is a NoSQL database?

An unstructured, non-relational document database type.
Mongo DB, Couch DB, and Redis.

How does it work?

Key-Value pairs are used to store the document / data.

What is inside of a Mongo database?

JSON formatted documents.

Which is more flexible - SQL or MongoDB? and why.

MongoDB due to the dynamic schema. SQL databases require additional work and down-time to change the data schema. NoSql databases allow schema changes without impacting existing data already stored in the db.

What is the disadvantage of a NoSQL database?

NoSql databases are limited to simple query types.
A database that might need to have complex queries called on it should use SQL, instead.


Client-side app for programmatically using a MongoDB instance to store and retreive data, in an ExpressJS server application.

MongoDB Features

MongoDB: NoSQL Database. Stores JSON formatted documents. Strong schema pattern not required, and schema is fully update-able. Full CRUD operations allowed.

MongoDB Atlas: Cloud-based Mongo database service. Free and paid tiers included.

Compass: Desktop app enables connecting, querying, and managing databases and data, locally or in Atlas.

MongoDB Role-based Access Control


Access: Roles are applied with 'greatest access wins' paradigm. Inheritable.

Revoking Roles: Use revokeRolesFromUser command to remove a Role from a user.


Authentication Restrictions:


Users and Roles:

Built-in Users and Roles:

LDAP Authorization:

Collection-Level Access Control:


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