Jon Rumsey
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Class Notes 25-Apr
Not today.
Code Challenge
No review from CC10.
CC11 should be low priority compared to the Lab.
Intro to CC11:
- similar to Promises
- method chaining e.g.
let result = str.split('').join('-').toUpperCase();
- can be written is waterfall format (see below)
- when using method chaining, you are implying a Promise that the chained methods will return something
let result = str.split('')
Lab 10 Review
Roger took one for the team GitHub
Important Tidbits:
- Server
file must include API Keys as well as the PORT for server to run on.
- Think about using Accordians for viewing search results or long lists.
- Export: Can be used to export an entire Module, or just a function within a Module.
- Object[key] returns the value stored in object Object at index or property 'key'.
- Avoid using 'awaits' by using
.then( arrow => function)
because it causes js to WAIT for the prior command to complete before running the code block or expression that follows in parentheses. It is an asynchronous indicator.
- The 301 final exam will not include the complex code seen in the 'code samples' from Lab10.
Lab 11 Can Of Books
- Use starter code.
- Create db that retreives data using Mongo and Mongoose.
- Create a data model aka schema.
Are a place to store data.
For this project, still using REST Verbs.
Relational vs Non-Relational
- Non-Relational for this project, to avoid having to teach a relational db system.
- Non-Relational: Just JSON data (documents), made up of unrelated data.
- Relational: Tables of data, organized by variable names as headers, and IDs used as record keys.
- Relational: Relationships can be made between tables for navigation aka referrers.
- JSON Documents: Not really structured. JSON objects can have all sorts of different properties within them.
- ODM: Object Document Modeling or Object Data Mapping.
- Provides some structure to non-structured DBs.
- There are also ORM systems: Object Relational Mapping.
Object Modeling for node.js
- Used as an ODM.
- Schema: Diagram or template of what the data will look like.
- Model application data.
- Type-casting included.
- Data validation included.
- Can build queries with Mongoose.
- Can be used with 'business logic hooks'.
Mongoose quick start guide
Why Not Use an RDBMS
Right now everything is javascript (FE, BE, and DB).
Mongo Cloud DB - Atlas
Database View: Shows overview, real time, metrics, collection, profiler, and more.
Connect: Database => Connect button => driver: node.js v4.0+. Copy the line of code into a .env
Edit the IP Access (Allow) List by adding: ( == ANY).
Create a New Project Using MongoDB
- Rough-in server.js on an Express server and make sure to add PORT in the
file, and remember to include cors.
- Do 'proof-of-life' test with the Express server.
- Create some files:
touch seed.js clear.js
- Add Mongoose to the project:
npm i mongoose
- Add require statement to server.js:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
- Bring in a schema to server.js:
mkdir models touch models/cat.js
- Bring in a schema to cat.js: See code block(s) below.
- Bring-in the schema to the server.js file:
const Cat = require('./models/cat.js');
- Check the class repo for details on how Mongoose is implemented in server.js.
- Connect mongoose:
. Add this to '.env' file with full URL from MongoDB Atlas configuration site.
- DB Access > Edit > Password > Edit PW > Autogenerate > Copy, then paste into '.env' and remove the angle brackets.
- Set up DB name (see class notes) and start nodemon and message in console should indicate Mongoose is active or failed.
- Check Mongo DB Atlas to see the new DB that is created in the cloud.
- Seed some start data.
Mongo Cluster: The target to the DB instance in cloud.mongodb.
Bring In Mongoose and Create Model
// bring in mongoose
const mongoos = require('mongoose');
// extract schema property from the mongoose object
const { Schema } = mongoose; // object deconstructor
// create a cat schema defining how cat objects will be structured
const catSchema = new Schema({
name: {type: String, required: true},
color: {type: String, required: true},
spayNeuter: {type: Boolean, required: true},
location: {type: String, required: true},
// define model to provide functionality and predefined schema to shape the data
const CatModel = mongoose.model('Cat', catSchema);
module.exports = CatModel;
Note: Property 'required' is ...optional.
Seed Data
- Edit 'seed.js' and include the codebock example (below).
- Execute 'seed.js' to load the data:
node seed.js
- Create a Cats route and call a method called getCats (an async function):
app.get('/cats', getCats);
- Add the async function getCats() with params (req, res, next) and include a try-catch(err).
- Make a call to DB from within getCats using await.
await Cat.find({}) // all documents
- Send results with an http 200:
// this file only needs to be run once
'use strict';
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.connect(process.env.DB_URL); // CONNECT
// add the Cat model
const Cat = require('./models/Cat.js');
// make this async
async function seed() {
// structure the same as Cat Schema from mongoose prototype method
await Cat.create({
// having a Model and Schema allow using the .create() method
name: 'Spike',
color: 'orange tabby',
spayNeuter: true,
location: 'Seattle',
}); // Properties MUST be passed-in AS AN OBJECT using braces
mongoose.disconnect(); // DISCONNECT or lose cash
- Define a request to get the data from your custom API server.
- Define a method to render the results using the _id that Mongoose supplied for free:
<h1 key={cat._id}>{}></h1>
- There needs to be a trigger (or event) that causes the call to the DB.
Use the React Lifecycle
When this Component loads, trigger a get DB data and puts it into State, which updates the Render method.
// when component loads it has all it needs
// data will be put in state and rendered
componentDidMount() {
Need to have a fully functional database.
- Read: Similar to REST 'GET'.
- Create: Add a new record to a DB, similar to 'POST'.
- Update: Change a value within an existing DB record, similar to 'PUT' (update or replace) or 'PATCH' (modify).
- Delete: Remove an existing record from a DB, similar to 'DELETE'.
- Review Promises: They force an async behavior and return either 'response' or 'error'.
- A Promise is fulfilled and data is stuffed (as a parameter) via a Promise.resolve() function, otherwise Promise.reject(e) should be returned using a try-catch construct (handling a '.catch( arrow-func-to-handle-error-return )).
- Review this mongoose tutorial