Jon Rumsey

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Day 9 Notes

Thoughts and Contemplations

Chaining methods. Works with String.prototype and others. String.prototype.split().slice(number).join();

When you see .then() this is a hint that chaining methods are in-use (or needed).

Consider how you organize your variables and data in your projects.

Come up with componentized structures that are very simple, and keep variables close to where they are needed.

Code Challenges

CC8 Number 6

When using .filter(), the right-side of the arrow function needs to have a comparison statement that returns boolean.

When an arrow function returns 'true' to a .filter() method, the currently selected item is taken.

Conversely, when 'false' is returned, the currently selected item is ignored.

Code Challenge 9 - Objects

Object literal: let fido = { species: 'dog', ...};

To KVP an object literal: let entries = Object.entries(fido);

To extract the Keys: let keys = Object.keys(fido);

To extract the Values: let values = Object.values(fido);

Lab 09


Refactor your code.

Finish features from previous.

Modularize your server code.

Follow the variable names the Trello Cards suggest.

WRRC and Modularization

All code currently in server.js.

As more features get added, modularize the functionality and processing into separate js files: movies.js; weather.js.

Steps to Modularize

"I want to move processing from the '/photos' route to a separate file to clean up my server code.'

Route definitions rely on callback functions in-line. So why not just call a separate file from the route and move all the processing code there?

Processing code is the second parameter to the route definition.

Write the function like:

async function getPhotos(req, res, next) {
  //  this is no longer an arrow function
  //  all the same code is as before

Modularlized code (moved into a different js file) must be imported:

const getPhotos = require('./photos.js');

Modularized code must have an export statement.

In the new JS file with the moved code you must:

Error Handling

There are a few different ways to write them, one example: Promise.resolve().then(()=>{throw new error.message);}).catch(next);

To avoid using try-catch blocks, try chaining:

//  inside a function with req and res in the parameters list
  .then((PhotoResults) => => new Photo(pic))
  .then((grommedPhotos) => res.status(200).send(groomedPhotos))
  .catch((err) => console.error(err));

Code Review Lab08

Lab09 Final Comments

Using a Params Object

let url = "";
let params = {
  client_id: clientId,
  query: searchQuery
axios.get(url, { params })...

See the class repo for the full example.

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