Jon Rumsey

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Project maintained by nojronatron Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

In Class Notes

Warm Up

C#: Determine output of the function

Creates a new array.
Compares parameter position to the length of myArray (length: 5).
If position value is greater than myArray length then return string "not valid index".
If postion value is lower than myArray length then continue.
Enter a loop that iterates from 0 to one-less-than array length.
Inside the loop the for-loop index is compared to position and if the same then adds value's value to myArray.
After the loop ends it returns a string to the caller with the message, indicating the value was accepted.


Value("sample string", 5); => "Not a valid index"
Value("another string", 2); => "Your value of 2 was accepted"

Code Review

I put mine up for review. Within a Form.Select, onChange event is called whenever any option element is selected, because the Form.Select is the parent to the option elements, so it catches the event.
An explicit default value can be set by adding attribute to an option element, otherwise the first-child option element will be the implicit default.
OnSubmit events: Consider using event.preventDefault.
Non-onSubmit events: Don't need to add event.preventDefault.
Filter original data then re-assign the output value to the state. When data has already been filtered, and it gets filtered again, it could filter everything out. Consider using let result = parseInt(; to pull Numbers directly into a variable.

Jons Bug

Description: Clicking beast hearts adds a count. However, the index is not associated with the beast, rather the position in the filtered array.
Solution: Use the object._id (if it has one) to track the beasts, strictly.

General React Comments

Where did the data come from?

Who can change the data?

Code Challenge - Reduce

Check out MDN on reduce

Facts About Reduce

Takes two arguments: Callback Function and optional Initial Value.
Is a recursive function.
Calls the Callback Function on each element in the array after the first element.
Setting an initial value "starts" the operation at that value.
Does not change the value of the input array.
Returns a new array with the results of execution.
Return is not implicit, a return statement must be added.
Recommended: Add the return statement on a separate line from the operation.
Similar to but more can be done with Array.prototype.reduce() like returning objects etc, whereas map can only return an array.

Simple Example

let numbers = [2, 7, 5, 8, 4];
let total = numbers.reduce((runningTotal, currentNumber) => {
  // first iteration loads runningTotal with currentNumber (basically)
  return runningTotal + currentNumber;
console.log(`total: ${total}`);


Initial Value

let numbers = [2, 7, 5, 8, 4];
let initialVal = 29;
let total = numbers.reduce((runningTotal, currentNumber) => {
  // first iteration loads runningTotal with currentNumber (basically)
  return runningTotal + currentNumber;
}, initialVal);
console.log(`total: ${total}`);

Initial value can be a String or Number!
Initial Value can be an empty array!
Initial Value can be an empty object!

Use "bracket-notation" to get the property from the current iteration in the loop:

{[film.title]: film.episode}



Lab 05 Assignment


Work with someone else's code.
Have fun while doing this!
Use Trello board to manage tasks.

To Do

Create the React app locally, set up a GH Repo for it, then push it to origin.
Take what you already know, go in, and figure out what you can of what is there.
Use the Trello board to manage tasks within this assignment, there are a bunch of tasks already created for you to do. Make the Trello Board public.
Deploy the GH Repo to Netlify?

Find and Change Code

In the industry, rarely will you create a project from scratch.
Often times operating on other people's code.
The 301 Final Exam is an assessment of your ability to figure out someone else's code and expand on it.


Prioritize your efforts to get things done effectively.
Timebox your efforts to call and end to a task and move on.
Don't worry about the React v.18 error when rendering the site.
SASS (SCSS) is CSS plus variables.

Intro the Web Request-Response Cycle

The Client: Your computer, and for these classes mostly means 'web client'.
API: Client sends requests to an API and receives responses from the API.
Front-end and Back-end: Line is drawn between personal computer and (servers and APIs).
React runs entirely on the back-end.


Web Request-Response Cycle.
Headers: Meta data and Access Tokens.
Body: Data of some kind e.g. something to add to a database.
Cache: Repetitive requests get quicker responses and the network traffic will be reduced on the back end.