Jon Rumsey

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Project maintained by nojronatron Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Thursday 28-Apr

Dr Robin Apparicio

Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Tech.
Reflection; understanding terminology; implicit bias; class exercise; inclusion in tech and you.

Slide Notes

Include everyone and make everyone feel welcome.
Some leaders work harder on just reducing drama rather than solving problems related to diversity issues.
Some companies check boxes as they hire non-white, non-male, non-hetero employees.
Civil conversations can be had regardless of political views.
Be willing to stretch during this workshop.
In 201 implicit bias and psychological safety are bases upon which this session will build.
In comfort, people can be creative.
Without psyc-safety, people will hold-back, which can hold back an entire team.

The Industry

As you enter into a space, you are unique. A leader does not have to come as a job title but rather who you are.

Part of an organization's culture is due to how the leadership behaves (and drives) but is also up to the employees to build the culture.
The industry is better when everyone is welcomed and everyone doing their best work.


Ultimately you want to belong, right!

Inclusion + Equity + Diversity => Belonging

Make allowances for diversity and equity.

Implicit Bias Infects Technology

There are opportunities to build and create in the tech space.
Without diversity at the table, what is developed does not serve those that need it (re: racist soap dispenser).
Reinforce the positive and the possibility to promote inclusivity and success.

Tech Perspective Activity

[X] Survey - What you are brought up with and without, exposed to, etc, have a lot to do with how you got here and where you are going.
The way your talk about yourself, is how your kids will talk about themselves - they learn from you.

Tech Employers Look For

customer-bosessed potential customer is everyone

Inclusive Behaviors What Can You Do

  1. Examine your assumptions
  2. Make a habit of asking qeustions
  3. Ensure all voices are heard
  4. Listening and understanding
  5. Address misunderstandings and resolve disagreements
  6. Strong reaction to someone? Ask yourself why
  7. Include and seek input from people with a wide variety of backgrounds
  8. Take action to reduce stressful situations
  9. Understand eech person's contribution
  10. Be brave (to create an inclusive work culture...)

What Is Your Personal Commitment

The areas that cause me pause from the 10 listed above are areas where the most growth can happen.


Starts at 1300hrs.
Ask TA's for help with getting files set up or deployment, but that is it.
Is Pass/Fail, 80% cut-off.
Final Assessment => The published assignment.
Entrance Exam Result => All or nothing.
Emailed zip file will have instructions and the starter code.

How To Set It Up

In Your Terminal:

  1. CD Projects
  2. mkdir final-take-one and cd in to it
  3. code . to launch VSCode
  4. Grab-and-drag the zip file into VSCode
  5. some missed steps here
  6. Open and view in vscode using the preview feature
  7. Open separate repos for FE and BE
  8. Go into react-app and code . to open the folder in VSCode
  9. Go into express-app and code . to open in VSCode
  10. Set the theme colors different between FE and BE
  11. Use Git only in root of FE and BE projects. Remember: root of project will always have package.json and npm i will work
  12. Start by deploying private GH Repos, and also Netlify and Heroku
  13. Invite Sheyna to both repos as collaborator
  14. Follow code301 assessment steps
  15. Run npm test along the way


Walk away if you want to // end the day.

Code Fellows has done a good job of being welcoming as an organization to new students. This is a mindset that should be replicated elsewhere in tech, and I think this helps to build a positive culture.