Jon Rumsey

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Class Notes

Wednesday 13-Apr-2022

Morning Warm-Up

Reviewed a simple Python file and it went well.

Code Challenge Review

  1. get into the correct directory => javascript
  2. npm run get-challenge nn
  3. get to work!

Code Challenge 4

I chose the for loop after failing to get to work properly.
Sheyna chose to solve this.
The key takeaway seems to be pushing return value to a new array to get something back out.

Code Review

Building and Launching

Use npm -i ?? when downloading React repo from a foreign source


To pull-in data from a json file named data.json: import data from './data.json'; Use lowercase to assign data import file data. Use PascalCase for the Components.
Files that are '.js' extensions in the Imports section do not need to specify their extension. File extensions other than '.js' must be specified.
Component imports can just be their Capitalized name, without specifying '.js'.

Component State

Special function this.setState() allows changing data within that component instance.
A Component's constructor is constantly listening for state changes, so using 'setState' in the constructor causes an infinite loop, and should be avoided.

Bootstrap Gridding

Use import bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css; to add baseline styling.
Also import Card and ListGroup if using those.
Import <row> and <col> by using import Row from react-boostrap/Row;
Add a <Col> to the Main.render code block and include a key attribute.
Import Container using import {Container} from react-boostrap/Container;
Apply a <Container> to surround the Component to render.
Apply a child <Row> with some attributes (in Bootstrap-React) to set the grid.
Each individual card is wrapped within a <Col>.

Issues with card height inconsistencies:

Multiple Imports can be done but it causes all of Bootstrap to download before extracting the ones you've selected within braces.

Resource: HackerThemes

NPM Install Note

Install multiple libraries at a time: npm install component1 component2... ...

Code Challenge For Today

Code Challenge: Class 03
An array method.
Create a new array with all elements that 'pass a test' implemented by the provided function.
Will return an empty array if nothing matches the filter argument.

Lab Material Discussion

"People of 301 Project" as a demo.

Lab goals:

State Problem Statement

Child Component has a click event that needs to change data in another Component, possibly in a completely different branch of the React DOM tree.
Only a the Component itself can change its own state.

Find Shared Ancestor

Add value and state infomation to the common ancestor Component.
Add a handler in the common ancestor Component.
When common ancestor render function fires, it needs to send info down the React data flow.

Prepare to Pass Data

In the common Parent:

  1. Create a constructor and include the props parameter.
  2. Remember to add the super(props) statement.
  3. Within the super braces include: this.state = { propertyName: value, };
  4. Add an event handler function i.e. evtHandler = () => { this.setState({ propertyName: this.state.propertyName + ' '}) } // string concatenation
  5. Send the function to the child within the return statement by naming the function and setting it into the props of the Component attributes.

In the child with the event:

  1. Add the property to the Component as it is being pushed to the array in the render statement using the property name this.props.
  2. Add an onClick and call using props i.e. onClick={this.props.addHearts}.

Arrow Functions

They inherit the context of where they are declared.

Bootstrap Modals

Modals are dialogs for notifications and user-directed messages.
Self-contained within the Window in which they are launched.

Functional Components

Code401 teaches this, but in Code301 we will continue using Class Components.
So don't just copy-and-paste from resources without looking at how it works.

Create a Modal

React Bootstrap Modals

Add a property to App.js to boolean show/hide a Modal.
Import Modal from Bootstrap import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/Modal';
Add a Modal component inside the App.render's return codeblock.
Supply attributes show={this.state.showProperty} and onHide={this.hideModelHandler}.
'show' and 'onHide' attributes are built-in to the Modal Component.

There are buttons, footers, bodies, and other properties that can be set on a Modal.

Pass the Source Data

Moving the data.js file into App.js forces you to:

  1. Import the file at the top of App.js
  2. Pass the data down the chain in the render return statement.
  3. Update the Child Component to re-use the data loop and Component rendering function to point to 'props' (because it is data passed-down the React tree).

Remember To

Before deploying a React app:

  1. Ensure the Console output is clean of errors.
  2. Could be a good idea to also remove console.logs.
  3. ACP then wait for Netlify Tests to complete.
  4. Merge to main.

